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Sunday, March 20, 2016


Going over some old notes and this phrase always struck a little nerve.  This is from an alderman trying to make the airport tenants appear to be some really badass people.   It is not stated directly but in the heat of the moment and the position of the alderman, it is easy to get a take on this that the alderman thinks the tenants have almost committed a crime against humanity. 
I do not know how you guys or anybody can file complaints at a federal level that destroys a community, but that is what has happened. To our City I apologize, I do not know what else to do; our hands are tied because of a small group of hobbyists. Administrator Childers stated the hangar rent issues needs to be resolved and in order to do that he needs a motion from the board to change the rates, if they so choose.

The city broke the law and they got caught, plain and simple.  The alderman should apologize for what they did.  They should apologize for the incompetency they displayed in the management of this airport that was donated to the city for the benefit of and paid for by the aviation public.   This issue started in 2008; it took the city five years to rectify this situation.   
The alderman refers to the complaint that destroys the community.  The actions of the city council destroyed the community, their actions warranted the complaint.  What is so hard to understand is that they thought they were justified.   It displays a complete disregard for the law by a municipal government that is very disturbing. 


Just going over a few things and decided to post some pictures of the airport back in the day before politicians got involved, and what it looks like now.  Notice there are aircraft everywhere.

After the politics, not so much.