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Saturday, December 17, 2016


The Missourian has reported that the city has completed another step toward closure.  The Missourian should check the facts. 
The Environmental Assessment is being revised based on the comments that have been received and there will be another public hearing on the EA.  The EA was not made available electronically before the first hearing, but will be available electronically before the second hearing.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


The Indian tribes in Oklahoma have stated that they are not opposed to the closing of the airport.  I can now rest in peace knowing that someone two states away is not impacted by this action.  

What is hard to understand is that it is required to contact the Indians in Oklahoma, but no one was required to talk to the existing tenants of the airport!!  Kinda makes you wonder if anyone is actually steering this boat or it is just wandering aimlessly on its own.