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Sunday, August 18, 2019

I see people are still checking the blog, so lets keep going.  I am surprised how many hits there have been with nothing new posted in almost two years.
Just an update.. It has been 13 years since the city has promised a shopping center in St. Clair and what do we see,, nothing, 13 years and nothing, just weeds.  Before the election in which Ron Blum ran for mayor, he stood up in city council and stated “I have a developer standing by to develop the airport property”.  13 years should be enough time to prove that he was lying.
The closure of this airport is a prime example of total and complete breakdown of how government should work.  Thank god McCaskill is gone good riddance.  Politicians like her make me sick to my stomach to think they have as much power as they do, and abuse it so badly.