Senate bill 2759, which would close the St. Clair Regional airport, is probably dead. With the change in power coming, not much of anything is going to happen between now and the new congress. We will be calling all of the General Aviation Caucus members to ask them to squash this bill, specifically to keep it from coming to the Floor of the senate.
If this bill goes dead, where does that leave the airport? It appears that Ron has put all his eggs into the McCaskill basket, without a plan “b”. Plan “b” is to make plan “a” work. We’ll see, kind of doubt it though.
The city is involved with one part 16 complaint, one active part 13 complaint on part 77 airspace, which has been amended to include all obstructions in the approach to 20.During discussion of the part 13 on airspace, it was discovered that the city does not have a current ALP, so another part 13 was sent off to MoDOT concerning the grant assurance on the ALP. The city spent a lot of money to produce the ALP, and to not approve it and send it to the FEDS is just plain Stupid.
Keith Dumke and the little newspaper he writes for think it's a done deal. If it's in the paper it must be true