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Friday, April 26, 2013


There was rumor going around that the FAA had made a deal with the city of St. Clair on the closing of the airport.  A part of this rumor was that it came from someone connected with the FAA in Kansas City. 

 When contacted, the FAA responded with the following.

All I am at liberty to say is that no decisions have been made about the St. Clair Regional Airport. 

Lynn Martin
Compliance Specialist
Federal Aviation Administration
Central Region, Airports Division
901 Locust - Room 364
Kansas City, MO  64106-2325
Phone: 816-329-2644
Fax: 816-329-2611

1 comment:

  1. No way… Really? But I thought MODOT said they could close the airport. Sounds like MODOT better start listening to what the FEDS tell them to do.
