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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Young Eagles Rally

EAA Chapter 1402 will be hosting a Young Eagles Rally at Washington airport this Saturday April 27 from 9am til ??? There will be over 300 boy scouts and the EAA Members from the St Louis Area Chapters will be taking many for their first small airplane ride. Our goal is to promote aviation and aviation careers. For more information on Young Eagles see link or visit for information on Eagle Flights (thats like old eagles) and discover the flying experience and the spirit of volenteerism.

I would like to thank all who support aviation and aviation careers and readers of this blog to keep aviation alive. Our future lies with our children and the education we provide for them. This is an opportunity for us to show the options of aviation careers. Which include design, building, flying, maintaining and servicing passengers in the aviation industry. I would also like to thank MoDOT Aviation and the FAA for supporting the interest of flying.

This is the greatest country on earth, millions have given their lives for our freedom. Freedom isn't FREE, All gave some, some gave ALL, for these Fredoms.  No where else on this planet does anyone have the Freedom we have to Fly. Please enjoy these Freedoms through your local airport and those who support them.

The Price of Fredom is Eternal Vigilance, Thomas Jefferson

Blues Skies

Tim Dempsey
President EAA Chapter 1402

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