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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Again more worthless propaganda from the city.   The city is trying to show that it is not actively trying to destroy the airport, but when you do not take free money from the feds, it looks pretty bad on the part of the city.  Blum states that it is not his fault, and that a lack of pro-activity on the part of the city is not to blame for the status of the airport.   This is all hog wash on the part of the city.


  1. How do they plan to pay the bill for the few hundred thousand the FAA is about to tell tehm they have to fix,city money ???

  2. They keep repeating the same statement's in the hope that it will change the facts. If you keep repeating the same story, it will somehow become reality. Isn't that Webster's description of insanity?

  3. The city has been and still is trying to destroy the airport. This has been going on for several years now and I don't think that will change any time soon. I also think more complaints will need to be made to get city to do what they are required. I say start filing away. I can think of 15 to 20 things right now.
