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Saturday, May 11, 2013


The type of business that the St. Clair Enhanced Enterprise Zone is trying to attract is looking for an important element, airport access.  This was mentioned several times by the spokesman for the state department of economic development.  The St. Clair plan lacks this key element and it shows that the St. Clair plan is flawed.  Why would anyone want to eliminate the one of the key elements to an economic development plan?  Sullivan would be a more attractive site for future development due to its airport being a major element of what these industries are looking for.


  1. does the city not understand the english language, when the person from the state department of economic development says the airport is an important element and their next move is to continue to destroy it, and their supposed to be in charge of its success?

  2. This should make it obvious that Blum is not telling the truth about the city's interest in economic development. There are other reason,s Blum wants the airport closed, but I will bet he won't tell you what they are.
