a request from an aircraft owner, the city has cleaned the secondary
taxiway. The debris on the taxiways led
to propeller damage to a tenant’s aircraft.
This was not the first incident involving propeller damage. The condition of the taxiways was listed in
the inspection completed by the state aviation department , and was listed in
the things the city needed to address in order for the FAA to continue to
address the city’s attempt to close the airport. Maintenance of federally funded projects is a
requirement of the grant assurances that accompany federal funding. Maintenance of the airway structures has
been ignored by the city since 2006. The
runway has started to develop cracks that if left un addressed, will cause early
deterioration of the runway.
That's gonna take a lot of tubes of "Black Jack" to fill those cracks. I wonder if city hall has any intention of filling those cracks?