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Thursday, November 14, 2013


If you own an aircraft in Franklin County, and it is worth less than $60.200, and it is older than 25 years, and flies less than 50 hours per year, you have been over charged on your personal property taxes for years.   Before this year Franklin County has appraised all aircraft in Franklin county at $10,000, and assed them at 33%.  They should have been valued at the market value, and assed at .05%.   There are 59 aircraft on the FAA registry, and 6 are not older than 25 years.  Two of which are balloons.   If the average value of these aircraft is $30,000, the county has over taxed the owners by approximately $53,000 in the last ten years.  If you are the owner of an older aircraft in Franklin County, check your tax bill, you might be due a refund.  One owner walked out of the assessor’s office with a $300 check.  

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