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Thursday, February 13, 2014


Alderman McGlenn is close to understanding the self-sustaining principal, but is incorrect about who they are responsible to.  The board is obligated to the Federal Government to make the airport sel-sustainable.  They are obligated to the citizens to do that in a manner that is in compliance with Federal Law.  When the sponsor does not understand the Federal Law, they are not in compliance.  When they understand Federal Law and do not operate in accordance with Federal Law that shows intent and demonstrates a hostile attitude. 
Administrator Childers remarks demonstrate the hostile attitude of the city in his remarks. 
 Alderman McGlenn asked don’t we have an obligation to the citizens of this town to make the airport self-sustainable and not have to take from the general revenues to support them. Administrator Childers stated in my mind we have an obligation to the citizens of this town to make the community sustainable, and if what it takes to make the community sustainable requires one more year of ineffective revenues in order to be rid of a burden that has been inflicting this community for 50 years, maybe we need to do that.
This hostile attitude is also demonstrated by the comments from the mayor.
Mayor Blum stated I can tell you what I do know. I do know that there was a grant issued to the City of St. Clair in the 1980’s for the installation of the lights. That grant was for 20 years, and that grant has expired. We told the FAA that in order to save money we were going to discontinue night operations at the airport. They responded by saying, no you can’t do that you are obligated. They sent us some paperwork stating such, but those obligations only pertained to land. There was nothing that pertained to any of the maintenance items including the light. We then again requested information from the FAA to confirm that yes you have to maintain those lights past grant obligations. To date we have not received anything. But, for the Board and the audience’s information, we have contracted with an electrician to correct these issues.
The city is obligated in perpetuity to maintain the airport.  What is an airport? According to the FAA definition:
Airport:       An area of land or water which is used, or intended to be used, for the aircraft takeoff and landing. It includes any appurtenant areas used, or intended to be used, for airport buildings or other airport facilities or rights-of-way, together with all airport buildings and facilities located thereon. It also includes any heliport.

So what is happening here is a sponsor trying to close an airport, and justify its actions by basing them on non-aviation practices.  The intent of all of the Federal Laws that pertain to airports is summarized by the following and describes an appropriate attitude for an airport sponsor.

(2) Obligation: To operate the airport for the use and benefit of the public to make it available to all types, kinds, and classes of aeronautical activity on fair and reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination.
The FAA also defines this to mean the aviation public. 

The comments and actions of the city council show how far off-based their thinking is.  The law is plain and clear and right in front of them, and the FAA is there to help them understand it.  All they have to do is listen to them, but that could be hard to swallow if you don't like what they say.

1 comment:

  1. It makes sense to think that the Federales could move into that town and throw every elected office member into the brig at any time.
