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Saturday, March 15, 2014


The city decommissioned The 122.80 frequency.   What for is anyone’s guess.  But it still works on my radio.  It also turns up the intensity of the runway lights.   They still are operating 24 hours a day, just burning up city tax dollars.  I don't think the city knows that there is a manual switch to turn them on, someone probably thought is was light switch for hangar lights and flipped it up an then went,  huh, that don't work.


  1. I think the City needs to be decommissioned, that will solve most of their problems.

  2. who manages the airport now, anyone being paid to manage airport and if FAA funds are use to pay this person,,,they are required to be on airport property for a minimum of 32 hours a week I believe....maybe I am wrong...

  3. Please use a screen name, From what I underatand, Federal funds cannot be used for the operation of the airport
