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Sunday, March 2, 2014


Looking back at the maintenance hangar issue; the intentional mismanagement issue in the following post is quite clear. 
Why would the city set the maintenance hangar rate to $325, if they had no intention of renting it?
Why would the city set the maintenance hangar rate to $325, if they had the intention of renting it?
Why did the city drag a bunch of junk out to the maintenance hangar, before they started discussion of the demolition of the Shade hangar and the Atkinson hangar?

Item #3; Main Hangar storage: Items which can be proved as non-aeronautical have been removed from the facility. All items remaining will be sold at public auction in a sale to be contracted for management services to Steven Broadbent, CPA. Because it is impossible to provide documentation regarding the actual use of these items, the City has made payment to the Heartland Bank Small Business Checking Account # 366201441 in the amount of $11,700 as payment in full for storage use. This amount is based on a rate of $325 monthly, which corresponds to the rate published for that hangar for the year 2011. The term proposed for storage coverage is three years, based upon a recommendation from MoDOT Aviation and concurrence by Jim Johnson, FAA Kansas City Regional Office.

“Because it is impossible to provide documentation regarding the actual use of these items”  there you have it!

Why did the city go through the process of trying to justify the demolition?
Why did the city not tear down the maintenance hangar?
Why did the city seek FAA advice on the demolition of the hangars at the St. Clair airport?
Why did the city not seek FAA advice on storing junk in the maintenance hangar?

There can be no other explanation for the actions taken by the city concerning the hangar issues; it is clear that this was undertaken deliberately and with intention, to deny access to the tenants in the Atkinson Hangar that would be displaced by its demolition, and force them to move to another airport, with the intention to lower airport tenancy, airport income, and the utility of the airport in violation of the grant assurances.


This level of action is seen by many, as far below the standards of conduct of a person serving the public.  The payment of $11,700 for the hangar rent should not have to be carried by the taxpayers of St. Clair, the city council should make this up out of their own pocket, after all they did it, and they knew it was wrong when they did it. 

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