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Saturday, June 1, 2013


This is from the city corrective action plan.

Airport lighting shall be maintained so long as good faith negotiation continues toward closure. Upon termination of positive discussion regarding closure only those repairs and upgrades for which appropriate documentation can be provided will be considered.  

The Feds have stated that this documentation has been sent to the city on several occasions.  

This statement also shows that the city is mistakenlly under the impression that they have a position to negotiate from!!  The FEDS, from DC to KC have stated,"we are not negotiating with the city.   PEROID."  

This sounds like a threat to stop maintenance of the facility.   How did the Feds respond? 

For Item 4, “Rotating Beacon Inoperative”, and Item 7, “Runway Lights Broken and Mounted Improperly”, ongoing routine maintenance must continue regardless of the status of negotiations on the City s closure request. An acceptable corrective action plan will include a commitment from the City to ongoing routine maintenance of the rotating beacon and the runway lighting system and will not condition that commitment on the outcome of closure discussions. 

MoDOT is trying to help the city achieve compliance, but it seems like the city has a different understanding of the word compliance. 

What is required for the city to reach an agreement with MoDOT and the FEDS, is far more than the city is willing to produce.  The city it seems has taken the position that the only way to accomplish Ron Blum’s goal is to destroy the airport, make it “appear” to be a financial burden on the city.  Make it “appear” to be abandon.  Make it “appear” to be not needed.   When the city started down this road, it is perfectly clear that the city had no idea of the regulations involved, nor did they care about them.   Now the city finds itself in a position where they are going to have to realize they took the wrong path and now they are going to have to double back and start over.  Wasting taxpayers’ money at the speed of sound.   POOR LEADERSHIP, POOR JUDGEMENT, POOR PLANNING!!!!!!

The city does not have the knowledge, the desire, the capabilities, resources, or the professionalism to accomplish what Ron Blum wants---- no pilots in his town!!!!


  1. The city leaders will simply rearrange the wording and resubmit the same plan, expecting a different outcome.

  2. I believe the consultant from FLORIDA advised the city that the FAA could not make the city do anything but keep the runway open. So the city is stupid enough to tell the FAA they won't maintain anything because there is no money.

  3. I think they need a new consultant. They may not be forced to maintain the airport but they will not be able to close it until they do.
