According to Concerned Critter, the FAA is going to allow
closure because MoDOT is telling them to. That would almost make sense if the FAA wanted
to close the airport.
From Concerned Critters comment, "If you
want it in layman's terms, the FAA has found its scapegoat in MoDOT and now
will say the airport can close on the recommendation from the state of Missouri."
5190.6b 22.3
The Administrator has delegated to ADOs and
regional offices the authority to release, modify, or amend assurances of
individual sponsor agreements under specific circumstances as prescribed in
this chapter. ADOs and regional airports divisions do not have the authority to
modify the list of assurances in a grant agreement. In addition, ADOs do not
have the authority to effect a release permitting the abandonment, sale, or
disposal of a complete airport. (See Order 1100.5, FAA Organization - Field,
issued February 6, 1989.)
22.20. Release of Entire Airport.
a. Approval Authority. The FAA Associate
Administrator for Airports (ARP-1) is the FAA approving official for a sponsor’s
request to be released from its federal obligations for the purpose of
abandoning or disposing of an entire airport before disposal can occur. That
authority is not delegated. A copy of the sponsor's request, including related
exhibits and documents, and a copy of the FAA Airports regional statement
supporting and justifying the proposed action shall be provided to ARP-1.
If you want it in layman’s terms, the airport
is not going anywhere until the ARP-1 says it is. That means that closure is off the table until
the ARP-1 says the airport is being operated the way the FAA says it will be
operated. The city if they want to
continue with the closure will have to prove that they are following all the
This is one of the rules.
NOTE: Only benefits to the
airport may be cited as justification for the release, whether tangible or
intangible. The nonaviation interest of the sponsor or the local community –
such as making land available for economic development – does not constitute an
airport benefit that can be considered in justifying a release and disposal.
In layman’s terms, the airport property will
never be turned into a strip mall.
Don't be so sure of what you just wrote here, whoever you are.