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Saturday, March 2, 2013


Counting the redevelopment plan, best guess to date, the city has probably spent over $122,000 trying to close the airport.  That number could climb higher since the OIG has not finalized its investigation.   This does not include what the corrective action plan which could cost well over another $150,000.  Six year so far, and the city is apparently is losing ground in the battle with the FAA to close the airport on the north end of town.   The city is projecting $4,950,000 in annual sales and personal property tax revenues from the development of a Chesterfield Mall like development on the airport, which lies partially in the Union School district.  If it takes another six years, the city will have lost $59,400,000.00 in tax revenues by wasting time trying to close the airport as opposed to selecting another location.   The cash registers could have been ringing for at least a couple of year already.   


  1. Maybe the citizens of St Clair should seek outside legal assistance to see where the Mayor and city council menbers are waisting their money on something they did no research on. Also to the Local paper for colusion and misleading the residents of the cities intentions.

  2. The corrective action plan is probably closer to $250,000. Thats a lot of asphalt to replace, a big ditch to fill and who knows how many trees need to be cut down?

  3. Item #4 in the compliance letter shows discrimination in Air Evac's rent. Air Evac did nothing wrong, the city chose to not charge fair market value, so does the city owe the difference that Air Evac did not pay and how much is Fair? Is their a fine for the intentional discrimination? Seems they have done many wrong things here with absolutly no penalties. If I pay my taxes late the govt charges me from day one with interest.

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  4. The FAA is still working the process and has not reached the penalty stage yet.
