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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Notice the name Muehler.  That was Art Muehler from Pacific Missouri.  He was the top turent gunner and crew chief.  They did not have a belly turent, but was outfitted with a radar pod in the place of the belly turent.   They were the backup b-17 for the entire 8th air force over Europe.   There is a diary of all 33 missions that his crew flew, and I will try to get a copy and put some of the missions on the blog.  The plaque is at the tower memorial in Rougham England.

1 comment:

  1. Just finished watching Jimmy Stewart in "Spirit Of St. Louis" for about the 5th time. What a time in aviation history! Where would this nation be with out the likes of Charles Lindbergh and the men who's passion was flying B-17's? I know one thing for sure, If this country were governed by people like the city of St. Clair's administration, we would all still be living in mud huts.
